Stuff They Serve In College Cafeterias That Hardly Looks Like Food

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University cafeterias aren’t particularly famous for serving meals that leave a lasting impression, well at least not in a good way. But typically, the food is at least decent enough to eat. In these specific instances though, what was placed on the table didn’t even somewhat look like real food.

The Lazy Man’s Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese, such a go-to food for comfort. You would think it’s impossible to ruin something so simple to create and soothing on the palate, right? Well, unfortunately, it seems it’s entirely possible. It’s practically a slight against devotees of mac and cheese everywhere.

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Just dropping some lukewarm, not-even-soft yellow cheese onto unbearably dry Penne pasta, doesn’t qualify to label what emerges as mac and cheese. Where’s the butter, the parmesan, and most importantly, where has the cheddar disappeared?

And We Thought Pineapple Was Bad…

Once in a while, when folks get adventurous with traditional dishes, the outcome can be rewarding. Nevertheless, unless you’re a certified chef who comprehends what leads to a delightful mix of tastes – it’s best not to risk it.

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There’s absolutely nothing that was wrong with pizza before somebody got the outrageous idea to slap pineapples on it and outrageously twist the iconic Italian fare. But in this very college cafeteria, they’ve taken this fruit on pizza craze a terrible step further – they dared to pile up the pizza with sweet cinnamon coated apples. Honestly, we’re speechless.

Straight From the Garden

In this day and age, most folks work hard to include more vegetables in their meals. Commendations should be given to this college for their earnest effort in presenting the students with newly picked salad options. However, it seems like this one might have been just a touch too fresh for anyone’s liking…

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That’s a small lizard which, unfortunately, came along when these leafy greens were harvested from the garden. It’s common knowledge that the hygiene in some dining hall kitchens can be questionable, but in this instance, it appears they haven’t even given the vegetables a good rinse. This is simply not acceptable.

Pizza Bagel With a Twist

Who doesn’t adore the classic taste of a well-made pizza bagel? Surely, the students who were handed this particular rendition at lunchtime have had their love tested. Why, you may ask? It’s all because of the school’s cafeteria staff took an unusual route by deciding to use cinnamon raisin bagels as the base for their pizza bagels.

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