Baby Elephant Receives Surprising Aid, and the Response is Astounding

There’s a whole big world of animals out there and living alongside them has been a part of our lives since forever. It’s super important that we’re careful around wild critters, but luckily, there’s tons of animal sanctuaries that are free to roam all over the globe. These places let us hang out with wildlife in the spaces that they call home. Whether you’re on a safari or exploring a jungle, one of the most awe-inspiring sights to see has got to be the majestic elephant.

Image via Youtube

Even though elephants are recognized as dignified creatures, the reaction of one particular elephant in India baffled everyone when approached by a group of forest rangers one day. The expected behaviour from the elephant was nowhere to be seen, it reacted in a way that was completely unpredictable.

Working in the Jungles of India

In November 2017, a team of people who work with wild animals noticed something odd. There was a group of elephants, and they were behaving differently than usual.

Illustration. by vlad_k / Depositphotos

The forest guardians working near the Urulanthanni River in India had begun their day just as any other day, roaming around the lush green woodland, ensuring that they took care of whatever required their watchful attention.

Earth-Shaking Tremors in the Ground

Experiencing wild elephants in their natural habitat for the first time can leave you both awestruck and a little terrified. You don’t necessarily have to see or hear them approaching – just the sheer presence of a group of these magnificent creatures coming your way is tangible. A comparison that might be easier for us to grasp is the sense of a heavy cargo train thundering by on a nearby track. Fascinating, isn’t it? It’s a spectacle that not only captures your sight and sounds, but envelops your whole being.

Illustration. by Haiderali44 / Flickr

Surely, the forest rangers were quite used to the powerful quakes that would ripple through the ground when the majestic elephants moved throughout the woodland. They had grown to understand the importance of maintaining a respectful distance, allowing these magnificent creatures to lead their lives in tranquility without any unneeded interference.

What Makes an Elephant So Majestic?

From children’s playthings to motifs and prints on garments, elephants are among the typical creatures that frequently appear in our society – or at least their representations do.

by Kamal Venkit / Flickr

Unfortunately, if you want to see a real elephant in its natural habitat, you’re going have to pack your bags and go overseas. The experience of seeing one in the wild can’t be replicated at home, you know.

The Largest Land Mammals Are Also Adorable

Despite being the biggest animals that live on land, elephants can also be incredibly cute. Our friendly giants really enjoy running to the river to have a bath and chill, they even make their own fun in the water. Yes, you heard right. Elephants love to play around and they use their long noses to squirt water all over the place. Sounds absolutely delightful, doesn’t it? Regardless of their size, their playful nature really makes them such endearing creatures, doesn’t it? Pretty charming, I must say!

Illustration. by Navin Sigamany / Flickr

On this lovely day in November, something out of the ordinary took place just as the elephants excitedly rushed into the woods, heading to the river as part of their usual daily routine.