Timothée Chalamet, the acclaimed 27-year-old actor, is set to showcase his singing abilities in the anticipated Wonka film and the Bob Dylan biopic, The Complete Unknown. Surprisingly, Chalamet’s talent was not an unknown factor to the film’s director, Paul King. Due to an unexpected discovery from his high school days, Chalamet didn’t need to audition for the role of the beloved chocolate maker in the new adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
The Unusual Casting Process
Not a single actor had to audition for the roles in the upcoming Wonka movie. Paul King was so certain about the decision to cast Timothée Chalamet as Wonka that it was a straight offer. King had encountered a video of Chalamet performing during his time at New York City’s Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art. The clip revealed his exceptional singing and dancing abilities, which left a lasting impression on the director. He recalls, “It was a straight offer because he’s great, and he was the only person in my mind who could do it.”
The Rise of Lil Timmy Tim
In high school, Chalamet had a musical alter ego named Lil Timmy Tim. His outstanding rapping skills made him go viral when a video of him performing a school assignment rap titled “Statistics” gained over 11 million views.
The video’s popularity took off after Ellen Degeneres showcased it on her talk show in 2017. With catchy lyrics like “Look at me it’s Timmy Tim, Botta hit ‘em with a Z-T-E-S-T. Let’s do a problem, let us see the probability you seeing me on TV,” Chalamet’s musical talent was impossible to ignore.
Wonka’s Musical Journey
For the Wonka movie, Timothée recorded the film’s music at London’s Abbey Road Studios. The actor revealed that the film boasts no less than seven musical numbers. According to Chalamet, these music sequences are sincere and joyous, promising an unforgettable experience for the audience.
The all-star cast — including Hugh Grant as an Oompa-Loompa, Keegan-Michael Key, Rowan Atkinson, Matt Lucas, Sally Hawkins, Olivia Colman, and Jim Carter — adds to the anticipation for the film’s release on December 15th, 2023.
Seth Rogen Made a Statement that Made Many People Furious
Seth Rogen recently said the last good high school movie was Superbad. The statement triggered a heated debate online. It’s true that Superbad became one of the highest-earning comedy films since the 1990s, but people within the high school movie industry felt offended by the statement. How did the 40-year-old comedian, actor, and filmmaker respond? Scroll down if you want to find out.
Seth Rogen on His Statement
Comedian Seth Rogen said he had no idea one simple statement would have such a negative backlash. But, as a fellow actor from Superbad, Jonah Hill, said, people hardly forget. So, a response was due, and Rogen gave it.
The star made it clear his comment was nothing but a joke. In fact, there have been many good comedies since the early 2000s, with Rogen making some of them. But what he found really intriguing was that many teenage stars he had spoken to liked Superbad the most.
That’s precisely what prompted his making such a statement. And now, let’s pay attention to what response his statement had online.
Not Everyone Agrees With Seth Rogen
Many people took over the Internet, slamming down Rogen for his statement. Some wrote that Project X was a much better movie than Superbad, and it wasn’t the only better comedy, too. Some online users cited the titles of several severely underrated movies to have more compelling storylines than Seth Rogen’s “high school favorite.”
Of course, not everyone was on the disagreeing side, and a lot of people defended Rogen for his statement. Some wrote that even though there might be better comedies, high school movies with intriguing stories haven’t been made since Superbad.
In addition, some online users took the chance to notice that all movie genres are getting worse. One can only hope that the tendency of making remakes of everything will stop sometime soon so we can watch quality movies again, commented some.