30 AI Artists Have Hidden Famous Celebs Inside These Works of Art
Ever catch yourself staring at clouds, trying to spot shapes like a dog or maybe a suspiciously fluffy potato? That's Pareidolia, a phenomenon in which your brain tricks you into seeing things that aren't really there. So, our hero here (let's call them the Maestro of Mayhem) teamed up with some snazzy artificial intelligence to whip up a few masterpieces. What are they, you ask? Oh, just famous folks in disguise, playing hide and seek in the world of art.
Blue Hawaii, Anyone?
Island life always looks so appealing. That's why so many artists jump at the chance to create images like this. Maybe this one did a little heart hip-swiveling. If you stare very carefully, you can definitely see the heartthrob of the '50s and '60s, Mr. Elvis Presley himself.
That guy knew how to rock more pelvis moves than a hula dancer, especially in his hit "Blue Hawaii". Everything in this is so detailed, it's such a testament to the artist's talent.